5 Annoying Website Issues & How To Solve Them Quick!

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

You're there. You have your beautiful, new website and your web designers and web developers have got it up and running. People are browsing your products or reading up on your services and you're ready and waiting to turn them into customers. But, from time to time, it's no surprise that we may come across a little bump in the road every now and then. Whether you change something and don't realise the implications, or a plugin automatically updates and it switches up something on your website, these things can happen.

Here we share the top annoying website issues that you may come across and how you can solve them quickly!

Security Issues

Now more than ever, it's important for us to keep our clients and customers data private and secure. From email addresses to payment details, all this information needs to be stored correctly and this means having a secure website. By changing your website over to HTTPS from HTTP can help your website become more secure for yourself and it's users. This not only indicates to your customers that you care about their data but can improve their trust in you.

Broken Links

Broken links are one of the most common issues that occur on websites. Whether it's deleted pages, products or blog posts, they can lead to showing your users a 404 Error page. This basically tells your user that the page they are trying to access either doesn't exist anymore or has been moved to another page, but doesn't actually direct them to the new page. It's important that your website is regularly checked for broken links to improve on your user's experience. By creating a redirect to a page that has the same information or something to help the user on their journey, you'll have less frustrated customers to deal with.

Not Showing on Google

You've worked alongside your web developers to create a website you are really proud of, but you're just not getting found on Google. Apart from your company name, your website simply isn't popping up for anything related to your products or services. This is where you need to get your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) head-on and optimise your site for those keywords you think you're customers are going to use. This includes creating appropriate metadata, writing engaging blog posts around your company and optimising all your website's content for those specific terms.

No Call To Actions

Your customers are active on your website, but there's nothing else happening. Have you created all the relevant call-to-action buttons that are appropriate for your pages? Whether you want customers to sign up to a mailing letter, fill in a lead generation form or add a product to their basket, you must make these actions clear to your users. If you do have them on your website but you're not seeing much traction for them, try changing them up to entice the user to click. This could be something as simple as making the button more visible or changing its colour.

Slow Website

This is commonly the most frustrating situation that a lot of website owners come across. You can check your page speed using Google's PageSpeed Insights tool to give you a current indication of how your website is currently performing. By giving you two statistics out of 100 on how good your speed is on both mobile and desktop, it can really help you to improve. The tool also gives you suggestions on how to better your site speed, but you may need web developer assistance to implement the changes.

Hopefully, this has given you a little insight into how you can quickly solve, or take a look further, into some common issues you may come across with your website. We're always on hand to help or answer any questions you may have regarding solving these issues, please contact us on 0191 244 9976.