
Friday, 20 November 2015

It's great to meet an enthusiastic business owner and that's exactly what we encountered when we met up with David from Boeccure. David is passionate about what he does and has a huge focus on customer care and a personal service. The current website was clunky, non-responsive and just didn't work anymore. The brief was to take the website away from online selling and into more of a boutique site which was heavily geared towards the product and feel of the business of custom jewellery.

Boeccure the merchant of wow! Well it was definitely one of our favourite sites to work on to date! Way Fresh were called by a diamond specialist located in the Metro Centre Gateshead who had an online ecommerce shop that was tired and no longer working for the business. The core online business was to change direction away from ecommerce and more towards showcasing the products and promoting the great customer service.

We set to work on some visuals and immediately struck a balance utilising purples and clean whites along with fantastic photography that gives the site a unique look that fits in perfectly with the Boeccure ethos. The site was developed into the Fresh Admin Content Management System system allowing the client to manage some of the core pages, leaving Way Fresh to craft some main bespoke pages such as the “Our Diamonds" and "Our Jewellery" pages. These visual pages were designed to show enough imagery and information about the custom jewellery that the client provides to entice potential customers into making an enquiry. We dotted around calls to action in various places so the user is no more than a click away from contacting the business.

In the end we have thoroughly enjoyed working on the site and its always a refreshing change to move away from a corporate style to a more visual one. Boeccure now have a one off bespoke website to match their one off jewellery pieces!

Unfortunately the Boeccure site is no longer available.