Building your next website

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Building a website with Way Fresh is super easy and we pretty much follow the same process for most of our projects.

Briefing and ballpark

Our web projects usually come in over the phone or email so our first step is to arrange a call with the new client to go over the project, ask lots of questions and get a good idea of what is required for the web project. Here at Way Fresh we also get lots of repeat business for existing and previous clients for new sites and new business ventures.

We'll then go away, do a bit of research, add our own suggestions and ideas to the pot and then come up with a mini proposal and a ballpark cost. This gives the client an indication of the budget needed for the project and they can make an informed decision as to whether they want to continue with the proposal.

In the past we have sometimes been a little too eager and gone straight from the initial chat to an arranged meeting, only to find out the budget isn't available. So to save time and effort for all parties we like to provide an initial ballpark and we usually do this within a few hours of the call.

Meeting up

If the information from the initial chat and the ballpark cost is acceptable then we would arrange a meeting either at our office or yours. The meeting would involve us asking lots more questions and going over the project in a lot more detail. Again we would quiz and sometimes challenge you on the project to make sure it's perfect for you and your customers.


After the meeting we would then create a proposal detailing everything we have discussed and a firm cost for the project. For more complicated web systems we would also create a detailed technical specification so you know what is exactly being delivered for your investment.

If you are happy with the proposal and wish to continue then we ask for a 30% deposit and this then secures your project in our schedules.


We will provide a detailed schedule indicating all the milestones for the project including visuals, demo, when we need content and when it will be launched.


For websites our first step is to create a visual which is a graphical representation, usually of the home page. Once you have provided feedback and are happy with how it looks then it's onto the build. We usually find that 99% of the time the visual is loved by clients and usually there are just a few little tweaks here and there.


The build involves us going away and beavering on your website and depending on the size and complexity could take a few weeks or a few months. But we'll keep you updated every step of the way.


When the build is complete we'll pop the website on a demo URL so you can have a good mooch about, check content and images and if you have a Content Management System, then you can use that to make your own changes.


Once we have actioned all your changes and you are super happy, we'll invoice for the outstanding payment. Once that has cleared then we'll repoint your domains, launch your website and celebrate with cake!