K3 Accounting

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Way Fresh have looked after the K3 for nearly 8 years now with them being one of our very first customers. The original site was a small basic brochure site followed by a one-page setup condensing all of the key information into a long scrolling page. We revisited the website in the early summer with Ken Shrewry the owner of K3 Accounting and it was discussed that the site be expanded out with a new design allowing more focus on the accounting services and just making the site mirror the growth of the business and its continued success in the North East.

Website Photography

With much more of a heavy focus put onto photography, K3 Accounting commissioned a local professional photographer for their website imagery. This allowed us at Way Fresh to explore some really nice large image intense areas of the home page putting the emphasis on the personal touch of K3. Instead of the traditional North East iconic landscape image (yes, we can't get enough of them!) it was really important that the images convey a sense of the one-on-one approach of K3 Accounting and that comes across really nicely in the images for the website design.

Website Funding

The completed website was done with a quick turnaround as it was allocated regional website funding so we had a few weeks to go from website design visuals to the website demo. The whole process was smooth and we hope captured the personal touch of K3 and showcases their Quick Books offerings with an easy informative structure. K3 Accounting website also uses the TypeForm platform allowing visitor enquiries to be done swiftly and with ease, no more long off-putting forms here!

With another happy website client at Way Fresh we hope K3 Accounting moves the business on as they plan and perhaps we will be expanding it again in the not to distant future!

Visit the website at www.k3accounting.co.uk