
Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Wayfresh were approached for an interesting new website to sell and promote cards that are based on monsters with lots of stats and facts about each one. Monstats Is a brand-new educational cards idea from a University lecturer based here in the North East that has a passion for Maths and learning.

The website was to be a tool for schools and teachers to buy packs of the cards, and then also access an admin area where they can download bespoke lesson plans specifically tailored to the cards.

Strong Branding

One of the best things about the Monstats brief were the cards themselves. The team were given a free pack of them to have a play with and just to get a feel of the artwork and the idea behind it. The cards are bright and the monsters are fantastic in their appearance which made the website initial concepts jump into life as we just had to have those few key monsters heading the homepage of the site.

With a relatively small website front end the main goal is to explain the cards and offer a quick and easy way to buy single packs or multiple packs at discounts. The admin area behind the scenes is where the client updates and manages the lesson plans that go along with the cards which are just as important as the cards themselves. The admin area is feature rich powered from our latest Fresh Admin 5 Content Management System and allows the Monstats team to manage the plans and update them as new ones are launched.

Everything about the Monstats brand is chunky and colourful with a reliance on yellow key tones with black and white mixed in coupled with a purple feel to match the cards, the strength of the visuals gives the main homepage a huge impact whilst not over complicating the explanation of the cards themselves.

We expect the site to grow slightly with more information as the cards become more popular in the learning environment and look forward to seeing the idea grow!