Way Fresh have a lovely new website!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

As a little new year treat and belated Christmas present to ourselves we have decided to revamp the old Way Fresh website.

Launched in August 2010 the original Way Fresh website got the business off the ground showing basic information on our services and teasing some of the work we have done.

We got some great leads and clients from this site, but not it's time to give it a new design and expand our information.

The new site now has loads more information on our services and split into sections so if you're just looking for web design and development then there is a section just for that. Same for CMS (Content Management System) and Digital Marketing.

We have also totally redesigned the “Our Work” section allowing us to showcase the majority of our clients including some lovely testimonials direct from our clients.

Have a browse around and tell us what you think!


Simon and Steve