Big agency v Small agency

Friday, 9 March 2012

So you've made the big decision to get a new website, but now you have to decide amongst the hundreds of agencies in the North East who is going to build it for you.

Google web design Newcastle the choices seem endless and there are some great contenders in there, but is there any difference in using a big agency over a small agency or freelancer?

Having worked for large agencies ourselves we know that the hourly cost is a lot higher than a small agency as there is rent to fund, sales people to pay, company cars to run and of course the managers will need a salary too. But does this get you a better service?

One benefit of the larger agency is that there are a greater number of people to bounce ideas off and you also assume with a larger cost you will get senior people working on your project. However you may sometimes find that you pay the large agency premium, but then the website is just bumped to the junior.

There seems to have been a shift in the web design industry where customers are favouring more the smaller agency with only a few members of staff. And why not?

Take Way Fresh, for example. Myself and Steve are senior in our roles so whatever the size of the project you are always getting the same high quality service. We also don't have any sales people stuck in the middle simply coming along to meetings, taking notes and then playing gopher between us and the client. We'll attend meetings ourselves and can bounce ideas around and give recommendations there and then and also a quick price.

Also if there are problems with websites we don't just down tools at 5pm, we'll continue until the job is fixed. And as Way Fresh is our own company it's enormously in our best interests to do the best job possible as it's our own personal reputation on the line.

So if you're thinking about a new website, give the smaller agencies a try!

