Hallmark Hotels

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Hallmark Hotel & Spas have a variety of hotels all over the UK. In partnership with one of our long-standing clients Way Fresh were tasked to develop a full CMS website for Hallmark that was to focus on their spas and health club facilities inside of the hotels. The website would be built with a minimal main homepage and from there each health club and spa would have its own dedicate mini-website. The purpose of that website was to supply information on the health club along with opening times, classes, facilities and also offer information on spa offers.

Fresh Modular Website Design

Way Fresh have completed a few websites of this size in the past however we wanted to take the behind the scenes workings of the website to a new level and were very keen to introduce a very modular way of building the site. Therefore each hotels health club mini-site could be deployed quickly and was as automated as possible but still retain a high design impact look to it. Each minisite has a contemporary and clean look with its own navigation and allows visitors to gain access to the core information easily and quickly.

Designed And Built For Mobile

The site has been designed with mobile heavily in mind and also takes advantage of Typeform which we at Way Fresh now use across all of our new websites allowing clients to capture visitor information in a more conversational way, removing the tedium of long contact forms and enticing visitors down a logic trail of a few questions to ultimately give the clients a greater amount of website enquiries.

Bespoke CMS Websites Easily Adapted

Using our in-house Fresh Admin CMS platform Hallmark Health Club & Spa have been given a turbo charged version of our CMS that we have tailored for them. It allows management of various behind the scenes elements and sits in seamlessly with the way the spa and health clubs operate. We are currently working on optimising spa offers and moving the news to another area to maximise the spa special offers site space.

Flexible Easy To Use CMS

All of these things are easily done when we use our own CMS because of the flexibility of being able to develop and modify it to suit each client. None of those kind of benefits come with a traditional WordPress setup and at Way Fresh we are always keen to shout about how easy, modular and seamless our CMS is.

Visit the website at www.hallmarkhealthclubandspas.co.uk