Honeycomb Hair And Beauty

Friday, 1 June 2012

Honeycomb Hair & Beauty is a newly established salon inside Greens Health & Fitness Centre in Gosforth and the salon wanted a brand and website along with print media. The website is just a small site to start off the company and will be growing over the next few months.

Way Fresh turned around a brand identity, signage and front of shop print media in only a few days which the customer was delighted with.

Honeycomb Hair And Beauty said:

"Way Fresh delivered a fantastic quick all in one package for us that gave our salon the kickstart is needed for a quick launch, we have bigger plans to expand the website but the guys couldn't have done a better job! Thank you!!!"

Even though the website is currently a one pager, it has high creativity to match the services offered by Honeycomb and is also responsive design so it works on all mobile devices too.