How To Write Better Website Content: 4 Easy Steps

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Content is king and it has been for some time now. Although your web development and web design may occur first, your content that you place on your website is just as important as all the other elements. Your content helps with the storytelling of the services you may offer, the products you may sell or just simply getting your brand across.

As companies invest in their web design, there is more and more competition that businesses are up against on the big old world wide web that it can be even harder to stand out. What makes you different? Why should customers buy from you and not your competitor? By utilising your content and creating compelling snippets across your website to capture your reader's attention, you can have those customers converting in no time. Ready? Here's how to do it.

Your Audience Matters

Who's reading your website? Who do you already know are your buying customers? By researching deep into your analytics and creating customer profiles you can begin to home in on who your audience is. How old are they? Where do they live? What kind of lifestyles do they lead? All of these are important questions that need answering before content is wrote so that you can write your content so that is tailored to that specific audience. Does your audience mean that you need to speak more professionally, or can colloquiums be used? All vital information you need to know before putting pen to paper, or rather, fingers to keyboard.

Structure Is Everything

Try not to go backwards and forwards with what you are trying to say. Use headings and paragraphs (and images too!) to separate your content and split it up so that it becomes easier to read. Try not to overcomplicate what you are trying to say. Use clear, concise sentences and paragraphs and unless it's a blog post (like this one!) try to get to the point quickly. You have such a short amount of time to really catch your audience's attention, so you want to do it as effectively as you can.

Applications Can Help

Not exactly blessed with the writing skill? Sometimes mix up your commas from your apostrophes? There's a good application that can help – Grammarly. The free version is a fantastic browser extension that helps with spelling, punctuation and sentence structure. You can pass large amounts of text through it and make quick, snappy changes so that you'll be on your way to writing stardom.

Think About SEO

If you're lucky enough to be on the WordPress platform, we'd 100% recommend installing Yoast SEO to help with your SEO efforts if you are doing it alone. This application can help you include all things needed so that each and every page is SEO friendly, easy to read with the goal of getting you found on Google for the right things. If you don't have this plug-in, consider a few SEO basics to get the ball rolling. What are your keywords you're wanting to promote? Are they included naturally in your text? Is your content easy to read? Is your meta data complete?

Content doesn't have to be dull, even if you don't think your product or service is the ‘sexiest' of them all, you can still create content around it that readers will want to read. Share the real benefits of working with your company, display them in a different way that nobody else has before and make the readers really remember who your company is.

Wanting someone else to help you with your content writing? Get in touch to see how we can make your website easier and more compelling through our range of digital marketing services.