Live Music Quotes

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Live Music Quotes is a fab new website and custom back office allowing event organisers to find the best musicians for their event.

Way Fresh worked with Live Music Quotes, or LMQ as we call it, to build a public facing website to allow event organisers to enter the information for their event and to specify the kind of musician they are after. They can also choose if they want LMQ to find them someone from their own pool of vetted musicians or make it an auction event to invite the best bids for it.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind the scenes is the Live Music Quotes Hub where the musicians can sign in and find all the events that are available in their area by map or a big list. The Hub allows the musicians to book themselves in for events or place a bid and then find all their events in their own diary.

Musicians can then create their own profiles including adding sound clips, videos, pictures and links to their work in order to entice a venue to choose them for the event.

Once the musician has won the event it is stored in their own diary section and reminders are sent out by email and text on the day of the event.

To top it all off the LMQ admin team have an amazing administration system to manage every aspect of their system including venues, events, musicians, subscriptions and blog articles.

The LMQ site also generates revenue from musician subscriptions and venue payments all which are taken through a PayPal integration.

View the website at