Metro Radio Arena launched

Friday, 1 June 2012

Way Fresh have just totally rebuilt the Metro Radio Arena website and its sister sites (PLAYHOUSE, Tyne Theatre) introducing a much easier ticket view page and a whole host of performance upgrades on the admin side of the site.

Metro Radio Arena Newcastle is the premier North East entertainment arena with acts from all over the world it is fast becoming one of the most popular venues in the North of England for all kinds of events from music to sport.

Way Fresh were appointed to manage their suite of websites having demonstrated creative and technical ability. The Arena are in full control of managing their latest events, news, banner advertising, mailers and much more allowing them to quickly break latest events and announcements.

Paul Tappenden, Marketing Director & Deputy General Manager said:

"Way Fresh offer a first class service, with quick turnaround times. They are a creative company with a fresh approach to design and new ideas. I would have no hesitation in recommending them, confident in their abilities to provide an excellent result for companies of all sizes within budget."