RLM Windows Doors And Conservatories

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

RLM Windows Doors & Conservatories are one of the biggest installers in the North East and had previously had an off the shelf website using one of the cheap pay-per-month style setups. After many years of not being able to create or achieve what they needed it was time for a radical change and Way Fresh were glad to help.

Content Rich Websites Easy To Navigate

After an initial meeting with Ricky the owner we decided to go down a hybrid style CMS website with part updated by the client and part managed by Way Fresh. This gave RLM a good foundation to keep core parts of their site up to date with industry news and events whilst allowing us at Way Fresh to manage the other more visually intense sections of the site. We were keen to use as many images of actual installs as possible and not go down the stock imagery route so as to showcase RLM and their work in the best light.

The Website Design Process

At Way Fresh website designers in Cramlington we stick to the same tied and trusted website design and build process that we have done for years. This does vary a little bit depending on the setup of the client's company, but usually it will begin with wireframes of the homepage and a core product page. For RLM we scoped out an initial wireframe of these two key pages with a heavy focus on keeping all product pages uniform and similar without masses of technical clutter and free of lots of banners and offers. We want to keep what RLM do best to the forefront and that is quality, local and price focussed as opposed to the heavy discounted hard sell typical UPVC company, which RLM are definitely not.

Once the wireframes were agreed in principle Way Fresh began a homepage design. This design encompasses the key ingredients that RLM need on there:

  • Simple uncluttered navigation
  • Large impressive product imagery
  • Strong call to actions
  • Live chat functionality
  • Easy access to design your windows and doors (a big customer hitting area of the site)
  • Easy large gateway to core product portfolio
  • Large white spaces with a hint of their corporate yellow

Website Visual Agreed!

Once we get the sign off on the visual we can then get to work on the initial build. We rolled out our Fresh Admin CMS and began building the core front end of RLM into the CMS system. This process takes around a week depending on the complexity of the overall design. Once we have that in place we can populate the website pages and start to create all of the internal navigation etc. With RLM this was a two week process and we were then ready for a client demo and QA.

After some tinkering with the products and images and a few changes to the call to actions in places the site went into a user testing phase where we get a non-website savvy person to navigate through the site with goals of:

  • Finding contact information quickly
  • Using the door designer
  • Browsing windows
  • Easily getting in touch with RLM

After this session we decided there were a few minor changes that were required to some of the navigation items and these were put in place. The site was launched a week later and we have already received some fantastic industry feedback.

Website Growth

Since launching RLM we have added various features onto the site expanding the product portfolio but keeping the pages non-technical and not overwhelmed with text and hard sell. This along with the ease of access for visitors for the window and door designer has proved a huge success for RLM and the team.

Visit the website at www.rlm-windows.co.uk