Way Fresh is 1 year old today!!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Wow this time last year we were taking our first steps into the Way Fresh business and here we are one year later celebrating a successful year, with cake of course!

Myself and Steve started up Way Fresh last August with a clear idea of providing professional, affordable and technically excellent websites to companies in the North East. With it being our first business venture, there was the usual apprehension, especially starting up during the recession, however we started out small and have grown exponentially over the last 12 months.

We'll never forget our first ever client Xtreme Promotions who just needed a few pages with a picture gallery, then K3 Accounting and Right Real who required 3 page portfolio sites. These were the guys who set us on our way!!

We are now also proud web suppliers for Jennings Ford and the Metro Radio Arena, two large and well known brands in the North East and in the last month have launched a new site for Peter Heron, the biggest estate agent in Sunderland.

We've learned so much in the past year including new web skills, but especially about running a business and also providing a good customer service. We've had some great feedback and testimonials from our clients on this and as always will strive to improve in the following year.

We've also been really lucky and most of our clients have come through word of mouth or through Social Media channels such Twitter and Facebook, so thanks to those kind people who have put a good word in for us. So as a thank you we'll be running a special competition, so stay tuned :)

So this birthday celebration is not only for us, but also for our clients too for believing in us and trusting us to build and promote their websites online.

Thanks and looking forward to next August. Now where's the cake?



P.S. Thanks to Jayne for the lovely cakes in the photo!