Cake! Because it's our birthday!
Monday, 10 August 2015
There should never be an excuse to have cake, but as it's our birthday we are having an extra special one.
Five years ago today Way Fresh started off with a couple of projects and a dream and now as we celebrate our fifth birthday we have lots of clients and nightmares! :)
All joking aside we always feel very privileged that our clients trust us with their websites, the online shop window to their business where the majority of their customers come from.
Since we celebrated our last birthday we have worked on some superb new projects.
The lovely people at Dance Teacher Hub needed a funky looking website to match their own creative brand. Little did we know that the interview process would involve us showing off our own dance moves, but fortunately Simon's robot and Steve's Macarena rendition went down a treat. So we dished up a custom design and integrated this with our Fresh Admin Content Management System to allow them to communicate all their news and content easily with their visitors. They also had a mega 10,000 entries to their awards which the CMS handled smoothly.
Also launching at the start of year was Live Music Quotes, which quite literally is a dating site for matching musicians to gigs. If you are a musician, you register and upload your profile and if you are a venue you upload your gig. Musicians can then search for available gigs that match their profile and location. Sounds easy, but there is a huge custom back office managing all of this in the background allowing the admin team to source new musicians and add their own information to the site.
A fantastic acquisition for Way Fresh this year has been taking on the websites for the Mosaic group, who run a number a spas and health clubs around the UK. Their current websites are a little dated, not mobile friendly and aren't fit for purpose for their customer of staff. We have just launched The Shrewsbury Club in the past few weeks which is the start of the project and this now perfectly matches their brand, allows their staff to update lots of content themselves and of course allows their visitors to easily find the information they need quickly and easily. We're still dropping hints at some complementary spa membership J
Last, but not least the beast that is Jennings Ford Direct. An iceberg of a site where you only see a small part of it, but it has a huge integrated Content Management System (CMS) ensuring everything runs smoothly. The CMS powers their used stock, new stock, offers, blog, finance deals and is ramped up with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) that they are competing with Ford themselves.
We're not forgetting all the other sites we have done for our other lovely clients, but we are open to edible bribes if you would like a mention.
Looking forward we are currently in the process of launching two more chunky sites in the summer in addition to version 4 of our in-house CMS Fresh Admin.
In the meantime, thanks for reading, we're heading off for cake!
Simon, Steve and the team