Energy Buyers Network

Friday, 3 March 2017

One good thing we find with our style of websites is that we offer something a little bit different for clients that want to steer away from the normal corporate looking sites. This isn't for everyone and we of course offer a full range of website designs, however a cartoon style site that looks a little bit different to the rest, a bit like our Way Fresh website, is something we always love doing.

Energy Buyers Network based in Newcastle wanted exactly that and came to use looking to change their old website that had lots of text on and was pretty much an image at the top and a scrollable vertical text area. They are mainly B2B and just wanted to stand out from the norm - and thats something we always try and offer!

Way Fresh took a look at some of their competitors and similar energy supplying websites and there are a few that offer up some of the more colourful and fun aspects of web design. We took some of these ideas on board and went to work on creating a custom top jumbo scene for the website showing green hills, sky and energy related buildings and structures.

The site didn't need that many pages and really is a shop window into what EBN offer businesses with regards to bulk buying methods for the main energy sources. This gave us scope to keep the text lean and the visuals bright! We tied all of the vertical site elements as you scroll down the page with a pipe theme which represents the utilities coming together referencing back to how EBN offer their services as bulk buys.

The finished site uses a slightly different scene on each main page together with some crisp and chunky buttons that send the site users to get a quote. Removing all of the jargon that the site had before and giving it our custom Way Fresh pizazz. It was a great project to work on and another company in the North East has a bespoke one off non template website for near enough the same cost as a templated one! Take a look at our bespoke website process.

Visit the website at